The future of pest control for the food industry
The ability to utilize pest trending capabilities has become an audit compliance requirement with reason. For the auditor, trending will clearly show whether or not the pest management service provider is actually doing what they are supposed to be doing – eliminating pest activity. Additionally, auditors understand that trending capabilities are a fundamental tool any service provider would use to stop pest activity. Simply put, if they are not using trending they aren’t performing Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Trending has always been a fundamental part of IPM because of its value to understand and prevent pest activity. If your service provider claims they are providing an IPM level of service but they don’t have trending then how could they be providing IPM? Unfortunately with many service providers IPM is merely a sales slogan to close a sale because the customer wants to hear “IPM” due to the benefits of IPM. Those companies consider providing true IPM as being commercially unfeasible because it requires more attention to details than they are willing to provide or can manage using their old, traditional methods. They don’t use the U-Trap-It* System.
The U-Trap-It System easily collects the detailed level of information needed to perform true IPM. It manages any environmental deficiencies to ensure they are corrected. And, it also provides all your graphing and reporting needs. There are 5 core graphs and 47 core reports, each can be customized to provide the exact information needed.
U-Trap-It is the system which makes IPM commercially feasible. Is your service provider using the U-Trap-It System? Many companies are requiring it to be used in their facilities.
Let’s set the record straight!!
Some folks are claiming to have created the first electronic log book. That simply isn’t true. The U-Trap-It System has had various forms of electronic log books since its inception twenty years ago. The U-Trap-It System’s current My Log Book/My Reports capabilities effortlessly provide electronic versions of all reports and graphs that have been generated by the U-Trap-It Report Auto-Generator. Access to My Log Book does not require a special application or special device. It can be accessed by any authorized user from anywhere in the World. And there aren’t any extra charges to use those capabilities. It’s just one small part of the many management features the U-Trap-It System provides.
Note: While an electronic log book may sound environmentally friendly, realistically nearly all users still require a paper version for the actual log book in the plant management’s office to quickly satisfy the auditor’s needs. Rest assured, your My Log Book capabilities are also readily available should you need more; or just log in to the System to get the needed information.
Having trouble with your audits?
The U-Trap-It System easily collects comprehensive information regarding your pest management services and other information that is needed to document pest management service activities. The documents the System produces meet or exceed audit requirements and you will be audit ready 24/7. In fact, we get calls of thanks (and we hear the sighs of relief) from many new customers who were doing a good job of servicing before using the U-Trap-It System but were receiving poor “grades” for simply failing to provide the necessary documentation.
Audits are important but that’s not what it’s all about…
While the U-Trap-It System provides excellent reports and graphs, including required trending reports, to help document your program for audit and regulatory needs, it more importantly provides analytical tools such as visually dynamic floor plans and HotSpot* Technology (spatial analysis) to quickly eliminate pest activity. Users tell us what is most important to them is that the System provides a solid methodical approach to help them achieve a higher level of pest elimination – Intelligent Pest Prevention.